Are You Overtraining? Find Out Now

There is a very popular saying that says that you cannot have any gain without any pain. If you have a feeling that you are feeling some soreness in your body, you might not be sure if you are overtraining. There is a fine line between training correctly and overtraining, and if you cross this, you are in for trouble.

Why are our muscles sore?
As we keep training our body and try to tone those muscles, there is a possibility that the muscles get sore. One of the side effects of training is a dull and aching pain in the muscles; the severity is based on the activity that you have performed and how ready the muscles are to face such a strain. Hence, it is highly recommended that you start your training routine slowly and later on increase it to as much as your body can hold.

Fatigue or overuse
There is a mild difference between fatigue and overuse, and you need to know this to train better. Fatigue is the normal soreness and pain that you may feel with regular exercise or if you challenge yourself a little more, whereas overuse would mean something that goes beyond the fatigue and causes injury to the muscle tissues, tears or even stress fractures.

Good Pain or Bad Pain
Training and body pain go hand in hand. You cannot have a good training schedule without feeling at least a bit of pain; else it means that you have not trained properly. Good pain is something that will fade away with time and will allow you to do the same workout after giving sufficient time for the muscles to relax. Bad pain is something that might aggravate with time, and you might also have severe pain when you try to do the same routine again.

Trust your instincts; when you get a feel that something could be wrong, it’s better to get it examined and clear the doubts before getting back to the training routine again.

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You Can Avoid Walking Injuries! This Is How!

Injuries are not just restricted to running, playing games and weight lifting. Even common things like walking could cause some injuries to your body. Here are some of the common injuries that can happen to you while walking and also how you can avoid them.

• Blisters are the most common complaint that regular walkers come across. Even though they are small, they can cause a great deal of discomfort when it comes to walking. However tempting it may be, never pop your blisters. A bandage could be of help if the size is small but in the case of bigger ones, just give it enough time to heal. To avoid blisters, use a shoe that fits properly and also socks that can absorb moisture.
• Inflammation of the Fascia, which is the tissue stretch that runs from the heel to your toes, could cause a great deal of discomfort. Taking a pain reliever or applying ice over that area for about twenty minutes thrice a day can give the much-needed relief. Stretches and physical therapy can also do wonders. Try to support the arch muscles with taping or other arch strengthening techniques.
• Shin Spints is the name given to the inflammation of the inner edge of the shinbone which can be dull, sharp or throbbing. Use of unfit shoes is a common cause for this. A combination of rests, ice packs, and oral pain killers can help in addition to relaxing the walking program till you get back in shape. Always use shoes that are a good fit for your type of feet and walk style.
• An inflammation of the tendons is also on the cards if you are not walking properly. The pain could be due to tight calf muscles or bone spurs, may even be because of walking too much. This condition only means that you have not done your stretches properly. To get some relief, you will have to take oral anti-inflammatory pills, use ice packs and take enough rest.

You can avoid all the conditions mentioned above by using the right kind of shoes, doing proper stretches after every walk and giving enough rest for your tired legs.

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10 Yoga Poses For OMG Abs

We all know that Yoga is the best stress reliever and none other training schedules can match it in this field. Did you know that you can Oh My God Abs by doing some simple yoga poses? You can not only relax your mind, but you can also make your body perfect shape with the help of yoga. Here are the poses for getting flat abs and look awesome.

1. The tree pose will make your abs work overtime so that you can stay for long on one leg.
2. The warrior lunge twist will not only help you flatten your abs, but it will also stabilize the body posture.
3. The rock and roll lotus strengthens the core of the body and improves the flexibility of the body in addition to working out on your abdominals.
4. The downward facing dog variation can help in reducing the abs not only in the holding position but also during the transitions.
5. The Warrior III is also a posture that could be a major challenge for your body’s balancing techniques, but it keeps the core engaged at all times and helps to work the abs.
6. The camel hinge pose keeps the body active and engages the thighs and the back in addition to the abs.
7. The amped up bridge with a leg sweep pose hones the butt and the hamstrings while also working on the abs.
8. The extended boat pose builds strength and endurance to the core. This is a challenging pose but very effective to train the whole body.
9. Sliding table is an active pose for your abs as it shifts the body weight bank and forth which can provide a dynamic contraction and stretch pattern for your body.
10. Though it looks to be very simple, the lotus hip lift will be quite a challenge as it gives a static contraction for your core.